Снимки экрана
iPhone iPad
Об игре
12X12 10x10 8x8 6x6 4x4 (different number of new grids)
It's more than 2048, so just call it 2048+#
"+" means not only 4X4 , it means more;
"#" means not only one new grid , it means more;
so just call it 2048+#

You can store your data with iCloud! Sync with iPad and iPhone also Apple TV!

Now the highest score of the game is over 4.x billion points (Really not cheating)!! Thanks for this long-time player!
You can select more grids to play , and get higher score!

WARNIG:iCloud only stores ONE record.

4X4 ->1 new grid
6X6 ->2 new grids
8X8 ->3 new grids
10X10 ->3 new grids
12X12 ->3 new grids

Email support: cocos2dee@gmail.com
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Требуется iOS 8.0 и новее. Совместимо с iPhone, iPad и iPod touch.
английский, корейский, традиционный китайский
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